Public Parameters
Request Parameter Description
Parameter | Type | Required | Parameter Description | Example |
method | String(32) | Yes | Interface Name | |
merNo | String(32) | Yes | Merchant Code assigned by BasicEx Payment Merchant System, viewable through the Merchant Platform | 811496833912834 |
timestamp | String(14) | Yes | Transaction timestamp, 14 digits in length, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | 20230217163650 |
nonce | String(32) | Yes | Random string composed of digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, up to 32 characters long | 6Nf5ywUKbVaIuQ06 |
bizConent | String(1024) | Yes | Transaction information, JSON string of transaction request parameters, refer to the respective Method request parameters for details | See request parameter example |
signType | String(16) | Yes | Signature Type, fixed value: HmacSHA512 | HmacSHA512 |
sign | String(512) | Yes | Signature value based on the signature type of the request parameters | 0A91A57735082472D25C9D... |
Request Parameter Example
"merNo": "819275770875906",
"method": "",
"nonce": "SzaAcrwssP5adNZi",
"timestamp": "20230331220353",
"bizConent": "{\"merOrderNo\":\"swR75kHGS2jQYfeN\",\"clientIp\":\"\",\"totalAmount\":18.37,\"currency\":\"USDT\",\"description\":\"Master, why do you speak of little money, you should go and get it for the Lord\",\"orderSource\":\"APP\",\"tradeStartTime\":\"2023-03-31 22:03:53\",\"expireTime\":900,\"notifyUrl\":\"\",\"returnUrl\":\"\",\"attach\":\"\",\"goodsDetails\":[{\"goodsType\":\"01\",\"goodsId\":\"100001\",\"goodsName\":\"Test\",\"quantity\":1,\"price\":18.37}]}",
"signType": "HmacSHA512",
"sign": "42FEB0B73D3F79F0C8E056AEF88F5E3FA655D2AEC2AB8D561FB9EDBE85A9A872F49428BD3B327A8C3629929629D7CFF8B59736911894419A13B8970482F4E10C"
Response Parameter Description
Parameter | Type | Required | Parameter Description | Example |
code | string(10) | Yes | Response Code | 0000 |
message | string(3) | Yes | Response Description | Transaction Successful |
method | string(32) | Yes | Interface Name | |
nonce | string(32) | Yes | Random string composed of digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, up to 32 characters long | 6Nf5ywUKbVaIuQ06 |
timestamp | string(14) | Yes | Transaction timestamp, 14 digits in length, format: yyyyMMddHHmmss | 20230217163650 |
data | string(1024) | No | Transaction response information, JSON string of transaction response parameters, only appears when code=0000 | See response parameter example |
signType | string(16) | Yes | Signature Type, fixed value: HmacSHA512 | HmacSHA512 |
sign | string(512) | Yes | Signature value based on the signature type of the request parameters | 0A91A57735082472D25C9D... |
Response Parameter Example
"code": "0000",
"message": "Transaction Successful",
"method": "",
"signType": "HmacSHA512",
"sign": "0A91A57735082472D25C9D40255CA572D211AEDAC2FB2982546FE539CB90AA65F8EE2476CA42F7FD6B65BD9A92B345E3ECD1B367519041FB6DA80F9630D5291A",
"data": {"orderNo":"729352943001"...},
"timestamp": "20230217163650"
Asynchronous Notification Parameter Description
In trading, refund, agent payment, and other scenarios, as long as the asynchronous notification address field notifyUrl
is provided, an asynchronous notification will be sent after a successful transaction. The message result of the notification is the same as the "Response Parameter Description", and the data
field in the notification message is the same as the "Transaction Result Query" response parameter description data.
After receiving the asynchronous notification, the merchant should directly return the string success
to indicate successful receipt. If the system does not receive success
, it will retry the notification according to a certain strategy. The merchant should handle idempotent processing on their side.
Due to the unreliability of synchronous returns, it is essential to rely on asynchronous notifications or query interfaces for payment results.