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Create Payout Request

Submission URL:

Request Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters

amountYesBigIntegerThe amount field, combined with the precision precision field, in integer format. For example, if precision is 2 (amount ÷ 10²), to pay out 2.00, you need to pass 200.
precisionYesIntegerAmount precision, recommended precision of 2-6 digits.
currencyYesStringCryptocurrency, for example: BCNY (recommended, 1:1 with CNY), USDT, BTC, etc. View currency list
customerEmailNoStringCustomer email on the merchant's side. If provided, an email will be sent to this address after the payout is successful.
notificationUrlYesStringThe URL for webhook notifications to be sent to the merchant's specified address, must be HTTPS.
descriptionYesStringDescription of the payout order, e.g., "Salary".
metadataNoMapStructured metadata passed in for the merchant's own record, this field will be returned as-is in subsequent responses.
physicalNoBooleanWhether it is a physical product, default is false, set to true if it's a physical product.
targetTypeYesStringPayout object type:
* BasicEx Wallet ID: BEID
* External wallet address: ADDRESS
targetYesStringPayout object (BasicEx Wallet ID / External wallet address)
merOrderNoYesStringMerchant order number on the merchant's side.
networkNoStringTransfer network, supports TRC20, ERC20, Polygon, BSC.
Note: Required when the payout object is a wallet address (targetType is ADDRESS).

Request Example:

Note: When sending a request, it must be consistent with the parameters used for constructing the signature; otherwise, signature verification will fail.

    "merOrderNo": "ADADWWR",
    "amount": "10000",
    "precision": "2",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "customerEmail": "XXXXX",
    "notificationUrl": "",
    "description": "TEST_PAYOUT_API",
    "targetType": "ADDRESS",
    "network": "TRC20"

Response Parameters:

orderNoStringSystem order number
merOrderNoStringMerchant order number on the merchant's side.
amountBigIntegerAmount field
conversionBigDecimalThe amount calculated by the platform in cryptocurrency.
metadataMapStructured metadata passed in for the merchant's own record, this field will be returned as-is in subsequent responses.

Response Example:

After a successful order request, the response code is 0000.

    "code": "0000",
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "orderNo": "40820230826113242806480394240189",
        "merOrderNo": "ADADWWR",
        "amount": 10000,
        "conversion": "10.00",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "metadata": null