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Retrieve Payout Request

Submission URL:${orderNo}

Request Method: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Request Parameters

orderNoYesStringBasicEx system order number or merchant order number

Note: When querying payout orders, either the platform order number or the merchant order number can be used.

Request Example




Response Parameters

merOrderNoStringMerchant's merchant order number
orderNoStringBasicEx system order number
targetTypeStringPayout object type:
* BasicEx Wallet ID: BEID
* External wallet address: ADDRESS
targetStringPayout object (BasicEx Wallet ID/External Wallet Address)
actualAmountBigDecimalPayout order amount
Not in integer, needs to be processed separately from the request field, e.g., 2.00
currencyStringCryptocurrency type, e.g., USDT, BTC, etc. View the currency list
networkStringTransfer network, supports TRC20, ERC20, Polygon, BSC
descriptionStringDescription of the payout order, e.g., "Salary"
tradeFinishTimeLocalDateTimeTime of transaction completion
metadataMapAdditional data, returned as is
statusStringCurrent status of the payout order (paid: processing, completed: completed, failed: failed).
transactionIdStringBlockchain transaction ID

Response Example:

Upon a successful order request, the response code is 0000.

	"code": "0000",
	"message": "",
	"data": {
		"orderNo": "40820230826154330118137839206582",
		"targetType": "ADDRESS",
		"target": "TLeozhe6ozXW88vKnvkfF3Xmo9JrnbNfpZ",
		"actualAmount": "10.00",
		"currency": "USDT",
		"network": "TRC20",
		"description": "TEST_PAYOUT_API",
		"tradeFinishTime": 2023-08-26 17:43:38,
		"metadata": null,
		"status": "paid",
		"transactionId": "36917fed30a61a6a41a3299a9cdcc4bb1ee15c4ff3a3d5998b9ba6d62d2da89a"