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Display Invoice

Due to cryptocurrency payments being push transactions rather than using the traditional authorization and capture process (pull) like credit cards, you need to adapt to this in the checkout process.

While the traditional checkout process collects bank card information, then displays the "Final Order" page, and finally charges the card, with cryptocurrency, there is no need to collect any detailed information until confirmation.

Resubmit Payment Request

If a user closes the checkout page without making a payment, to avoid generating a large number of duplicate unpaid invoices, it is strongly recommended to adopt this approach.

The simplest integration is to reopen the obtained checkout URL (returned to the merchant after creating the invoice) to continue the payment process for that order.

BasicEx Payment uses responsive design to ensure users get the best presentation, regardless of the device shape.

Before completing the transaction, you should always verify whether the invoice has been correctly paid by re-querying the status of that invoice number.